Thursday 23 May 2013

Skeet shooting in Jonsvatnet

Social activities with colleagues is a big aspect of norwegian social life in my opinion. Dinners with your work group, salary beer and Friday waffles/cakes, are rather usual.
And my colleagues are simply the best! These people are super fun and I always have so good time! This time the challenge was skeet shooting!

It was definitely a challenge for me but a day before I had watched the movie 'Yes man' so it didn't take me more than three minutes to enroll! Had I tried it before? Nope! Was I a bit scared? Yeap! Excited? Sure! A nice brew of mixed feelings! Was it an excellent evening? 100%

When we arrived all my fears disappeared. The place was in the middle of the forest, and it was full of people. It looked like that skeet shooting is a family activity here! The previous group from us had a little girl around 10 years old that she managed to shoot a couple of targets to my full astonishment and a boy, probably her brother that was incredibly good at shooting!

It proved though that it was easier than I initially thought! My lack of knowledge was not a problem at all. The instructor illustrated everything we needed. How to handle the gun, how to place your body and she even corrected our posture while trying.  I gave her a bit of hard time to explain in english but with the help of my norwegian/ norwegian speaking friends I managed to get everything and she got a big big smile when I succeeded!
Well, it might be because I started cheering and jumping! But seriously, what a moment!!
An orange clay plate was into pieces in its flight up!
Pure unexpected pleasure!!

Definitely a suggestion!

PS: I think I'll stick to the clay pigeons for now and most probably for ever. I have no issues with shooting but killing for pleasure is a very different story. :)

Thursday 9 May 2013

Blogging about Trondheim

Today I discovered a funny blog from, I assume, an Erasmus student in Trondheim!

The posts for snus, Vinmonopolet and H&M are the best!

Enjoy! :)

Thursday 2 May 2013


Mixed feelings
1. Summer working hours... goood
2. Full storm with occasional snowing .... baaaad
3. No luck yet with finding lamb in supermarkets.... baaaad
4. Soon to be Easter ... gooood
5. Me spending Easter away from Greece.... baaad
6. Vacation in one week time.... goood
7. Eventually no traveling plans for those days.... baaad
8. Spending my days reading books, biking and swimming... goood
9. No new job yet.... baaaad