I read at some point about a research study which showed that people who had been thinking mostly about food during a specific period, they gained significantly more weight compared to those who were thinking about sex. I guess there are many reasons for this but ...wait a minute...
Oups! One out of two posts in this blog is about food!!
Bells ringing! Bells ringing!!
Alarm! Alarm!!
For the sake of my scale...
I have to fix this!! The sooner the better!
So this post is going to be about the ring of fire as in Johnny Cash... :D
Being a foreign single girl in Norway is certainly interesting! You face almost a paradox; you know how to play but you don't know the rules... Been there done that in the past but now? Suddenly someone has changed the cipher or even worse he enciphered the rules of the game after first encoding them... Most of your interpretation doesn't make sense but you still see it works for the most around you...
Advanced level for sure but I'm a tough one, I'll break it! I like challenges! ;D
After discussing my frustrations on the issue with a friend (oh yes, teenage years are forced back, apparently!) she sent me this fun post from an American girl who lives in Sweden. It has seeds of truth, believe me! It was such a relief and I laughed my head off! I hope you enjoy it!
And just to close with a little food for thought, the extrapolation of the study is very fitting to my views. What you think or you allow yourself to think is who you are going to be! Scary and promising at the same time!
Take care of your thoughts! :)
Take care of your thoughts! :)