After last summer which is fair to be remembered as the summer of weddings this is definitely the summer of newborns! I'm so happy for all my friends!!!
To have a little baby in your hands so fragile and so dependant. A little human being that innocent that is impossible not to love! A new life ! What a tremendous miracle and what a tremendous happiness they must experience!!!!
Right now I'm just looking the photos my friends sent me. Photos and ultrasound images! I do it again and again. With eyes full of tears and a heart full of love for these little people I try to absorb as much as possible of this miracle! It is the first time I regret so much we live in different countries and I cannot be there, to handshake with my finger their little hands, kiss their little feet, deposit my share of love and promises that I'll take care of their well being with whatever way I can.
Is love transmitted within space without a physical presence? Words can do that but babies cannot understand words. Probably they only understand the warmth of your voice and they feel the pace of your heart. But this is not possible in my case. I hope love does!
I cannot help it but I try to understand if I am an appropriate material for mum... Maybe? At least I have really nice intentions but I am horrified of the responsibility and a bit skeptical on the philosophical idea of giving birth. Anyway there is no space for this kind of thoughts in this post!
This post is dedicated to Anastasis, to Niki's son, to Ellen's baby, to Ntina's daughter and the Trondesk /French baby we are all expecting!!!
I wish for all of them to be healthy and happy. To become wonderful people who are going to beautify our world with their presence as their parents have beautify my life! And I wish to my beloved friends to be healthy and happy as well! To be patient and wise, to enjoy every single moment of the upbringing and their offsprings to always make them proud!
A little post for the little gentlemen
( I tried hard to find the version of Nora Brockstedt that I like so much but it is not available in youtube so for those who have spotify please check Lykkeliten of hers)
and another norwegian post for the little ladies having or not blue eyes
Love you all!